Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pretty Little Confession


Let's make this the first thing I say so it’s Swarovski crystal clear: I am outright embarrassed to be reading Pretty Little Liars. I was with my mom when I got it and I made her carry it, as if someone would recognize me at the Shreveport Barnes and Noble. I was on the phone with my friend at the time; she groaned “God Sara, you’re just too cool for your own good.” That’s right, I have an image to maintain and it does not involve looking at anything from the Teen section without a public display of disgust.

I find both the book and the television series much like Corn Nuts, the first bite is really bad but for some reason you just keep eating it until you’re convinced they’re really good, but you still realize there’s no nutritional value. Except Corn Nuts, I can shamelessly eat in public.